Honesty and Integrity
Honesty and integrity go hand-in-hand. However, there are many instances today where their importance appears to be diminished. At Just In Casings Jewelry, we commit to them as part of our core values - today and in the future. Clear examples of this commitment are in our cleaning processes for the bullet casings used in our jewelry (see “Superior Product” section), as well as being fully transparent about the fact that some of our jewelry pieces contain nickel, a common metal allergy (this will be indicated in the product listing). These examples, and many others that you’ll experience when dealing with us, are meant to demonstrate respect and care for our customers, and are also intended to maintain the integrity that we highly value.
Freedoms and 2nd Amendment Rights
Our forefathers designed our Constitution and Bill of Rights with freedom in mind; such as the right to free speech, the right to choose a particular religion to follow, the right to a fair trial, and most importantly - the right to defend those rights by our freedom to keep and bear arms. Just In Casings Jewelry believes strongly in upholding our forefathers’ commitment to freedom and we enjoy creating products that reflect this commitment.
Superior Customer Service
Just In Casings Jewelry prides ourselves in maintaining a superior level of customer service. We enjoy working one-on-one with customers to make sure that they receive a product that they will love and proudly wear or display. With our commitment to superior customer service, please feel free to reach out to us to specify a different length or color on one of our listed items, or even a custom bullet casing design if you do not see exactly what you like on our site. We also pride ourselves in making memorable keepsakes for customers out of their own bullet casings, such as those from military funerals, or a first range day with a parent or sibling.
Superior Product
All of our product designs are made with once-fired bullet casings that have been cleaned and polished, using a two-step process. For the first step, the casings are cleaned and polished in a sonic cleaner. After draining off the excess cleaning fluid from the casings, they are then tumbled in all-natural walnut media for 2 hours to remove the excess cleaner and make them safe for wear.
Before we begin selling each new product design, we carefully and personally field-test them with normal everyday wear or use to make sure that our customers are receiving a durable and lasting product.
Veteran Support
Active Military and Military Veterans are the defenders of the freedom that our American forefathers strove hard to create. They are the proud and brave people whom we continue to owe our gratitude to for the opportunity to practice these freedoms. Therefore, Just In Casings Jewelry makes it a priority to support these brave folks in any way that we can. One way in which we show this support is by donating 5% from the sale of each regular purchase to The Special Operations Warrior Foundation. This organization seeks to support the families and also the educational needs of the children of fallen or severely wounded veterans. For more information on this organization, please visit www.specialops.org.

My grandfather was a veteran of the United States Air Force. He, along with my grandmother, have been the solid foundation of our family. They embodied the ideals of The American Dream. They worked hard to provide and care for their family, and they instilled us with unshakable moral values, including fierce loyalty, hard work ethic, and persistence in all that we do. My grandfather, especially, was a big advocate for higher learning and believed in the value of education. Although I was blessed to have him in my life for almost 39 years, we sadly lost him in November 2019. I was ending my junior year in college as a non-traditional student when he passed. He was one of my biggest cheerleaders throughout my college journey. In the wake of his death, I began making jewelry for stress relief. I also began volunteering and working part-time at a college, advising and assisting other students to follow their dreams to pursue further education or career paths.
As I was getting ready to graduate, I began thinking about a way that I could use my business that would honor him and our common enthusiasm for education. After some deep conversations with my husband (a veteran of the United States Army National Guard), and a bit of research, I came across a charity called The Special Operations Warrior Foundation. This incredible charity seeks to support the families of fallen or severely wounded Special Operations Forces, including providing college funding to their children to meet their educational needs. They provide additional support, such as academic counseling to school-age children to prepare them for their individual pathways to success. During that process, they also assist with tutoring and emotional support for the family of the fallen veterans. In doing all of these things, this wonderful foundation also embodies The American Dream and helps our children to achieve it!
So, in support of this worthy cause, Just in Casings Jewelry will donate 5% of every purchase to The Special Operations Warrior Foundation. If interested in learning more about this organization, please visit their website at www.specialops.org. Thank you so much for helping us to support their cause of encouraging The American Dream through our children!
~Johanna Linker (Owner and Operator)